أخبار محلية

تسجيل حالة وفاة مواطنة فلسطينية بفايروس كورونا

سجلت وزارة الخارجية وشؤون المغتربين اليوم الثلاثاء حالة وفاة جديدة في صفوف جاليتنا في دولة الكويت.

و أفادت سفارة دولة فلسطين لدى الكويت بوفاة المواطنة مريد أحمد أمين بسيسو (74 عامًا)، والمقيمة في الكويت بسبب فيروس “كورونا” الوبائي.

و بذلك حصيلة الوفيات بفيروس “كورونا” بين أبناء جاليتنا حول العالم  إلى 97، والإصابات إلى 1605، تماثل منهم 789 للشفاء.

يُذكر أن فريق العمل التابع للسفارة يتابع أوضاع الجالية في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية؛ حيث أكدت عدم تسجيل أي اصابة او وفاة جديدة في صفوف الجالية لليوم الثاني على التوالي؛ ليبقى عدد الإصابات 772، وعدد الوفيات 52، فيما تمّ تسجيل حالة شفاء واحدة ليرتفع عدد حالات الشفاء إلى 277

مقالات ذات صلة

‫50 تعليقات

  1. Dogecoin is a digital token which gained popularity in 2021. Due to its uncapped maximum supply and comedic status, Dogecoin has seen price highs and has become available for trading on Coinbases, as stated by Cointelegraph. The program also accepts donations. According to a chart, the top 50 donors have donated $2,240 in various cryptocurrencies. Though those donations largely come from anonymous donors, the donor list includes certain Coinbase executives such as Associate General Counsel, Corporate Doug Sharp, and VP of Product Max Branzburg. Coinbase opened Base, an Ethereum layer-2 network, to the general public late last week in an effort to promote the creation of fresh decentralized applications within its ecosystem. Immediately after its launch, Base took off and quickly rose to the top five layer-2 networks by the quantity of bridged traffic.
    It’s important to note that while technical analysis can be a valuable tool for traders, it is not a perfect science and should not be relied upon exclusively. Technical analysis is best used in conjunction with other forms of analysis, such as fundamental analysis, to provide a more comprehensive view of the market. Additionally, market conditions can change rapidly, so traders need to be prepared to adapt their strategies as needed. By analysing the outcomes of their strategy over a large amount of crypto backtest data, traders can identify potential strengths and weaknesses, fine-tune their systems, and ultimately build confidence in their decision-making processes. In essence, backtesting is a risk-free way to assess and refine trading strategies before deploying real capital in the volatile cryptocurrency market.

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